Visit Ghana 2017

Since Friendship with Ghana e. V. closely cooperates with the organization Heneson-Reaching-Out-Foundation in Ghana, Astrid and Annegret were supervised by the first chairman Jacob Tawiah during their stay in Ghana. He organized the accommodation, the transport on the spot, arranged contacts and helped with words and deeds.

Astrid and Annegret were able to convince themselves of his great, reliable and voluntary work for the children. Jacob looks after the families, visits the schools and informs about the learning progress of the children. Certificates and reports are regularly sent to Germany.

Together with Jacob, the two visited the schools and were able to talk to the teachers about the children supported by Friendship with Ghana e.V., to inform themselves about learning successes and regular school attendance. Here are some pictures of the schools that visit our children, most of them very poorly equipped.

Very touching was also the encounter with the mostly single mothers, who completely without any state support (in our case of course), care for their children. The gratitude for the help was great.

At a children's party organized by Astrid and Annegret, the children had a lot of fun. There were hopping games made, a dance competition inspired the little ones and the soap bubble bottles were very popular.

At the end every child got a school backpack filled with school supplies, the joy was huge.

These school materials were collected and donated by the class 2c of the school Bispingen, here again a big thank you to parents and children.

Furthermore, Astrid and Annegret visited the birthplace of the General Hospital in Accra, drove to a village in the Voltaregion, visited the National Park Kakuum and the former fortress Elmina, from where thousands of slaves were shipped.

The visit to Ghana has clearly shown how necessary help is, even though it only benefits a few children. But a beginning has been made.

Above all, Annegret and Astrid were able to convince themselves that the donated money really reaches the children and their families and is used according to the statute of Friendship with Ghana e.V.